Old Dogs, New Tricks encourages small business owners, for whom the vast majority of Americans daily work, as they adapt and succeed in an environment that includes the opportunity of Social Media.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Mystery, Vastness and Depth of the Ocean

The other evening I had the pleasure and the privilege of strolling along the sand with the Atlantic Ocean to my side, in the Outer Banks of North Carolina.  Love that place.  The ocean and its' unspeakable vastness make me think of the infinite, make me feel appropriately small.  Why do I so often think that the world spins on its' axis to please me?

Later that same night I had one of those incredibly precious life moments with one of our soon-to-be-19-years-old twin sons, Tim, as we stood before the pounding waves, gazed out at the vast darkness, and looked up at the stars that are a kajillion light years away.  Love that young man.

What is it about the incredible expanse and depth of the ocean and space that makes us ponder the Infinite?

A newsletter of one of my favorite "thank you for having an impact on my life" people, Roy Williams ("The Wizard of Ads"), addressed the topic of our failure to think big thoughts due to the busyness of life.  Roy stated that "big thoughts make us realize that we are much smaller creatures than we like to pretend."  Roy also pondered the Infinite, and concluded you either believe that there is Intelligent life beyond our little planet, or you don't.  With either conclusion, the very thought (that there is a God or there isn't a God) is staggering. 

My gaze at the deep dark ocean with my son by my side, pondering the Infinite together, affirms my belief in Intelligent Design.  Personally I believe that the Author of creative design is the one true God (God the Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit).  And I believe that, being made in His image, we are gifted with the ability to create.  This is one of the things that makes this Old Dog exploration into social media so interesting:  We have been given the capacity to create.

Through social media we have been given the capacity to be exceedingly creative, for the benefit of others as well as ourselves.  Love that idea.

So what about you?  Engage your God-given creativity, set aside the busyness of life, think big thoughts and share it across the planet on a social media platform.  Come on, as an Old Dog you're never too old to learn New Tricks.  It's a fascinating world, with infinite possibilities.

Thanks for sharing 104 seconds of your day,

1 comment:

  1. Smitty, I love this post. God has given us so much and yet the world finds ways to pour its business on us. We miss out on so much of what "could be" because we are tied up tending to so much meaninglessness. ugh.
