Old Dogs, New Tricks encourages small business owners, for whom the vast majority of Americans daily work, as they adapt and succeed in an environment that includes the opportunity of Social Media.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Overall Plan

The business world, and the world in general, is rapidly transforming due to social media.  Social media is impacting relationships with customers and competitors, as well as providing tremendous opportunity for small businesses.  In the midst of this evolving impact, an owner must also remember that social media, in all its forms, is fundamentally a tool.

So what is the plan or strategy that can best utilize these tools?  In advising a small business owner, I often begin by introducing an overall plan and then use the plan as a guide for decisions and activity in marketing the business.  This is the plan I frequently utilize:

Global Marketing Strategy

1.     Where Have We Been?

Why did you start your business in the first place?  What was the dream?

Paint a clear and defined picture, as you saw it then.

“Talk about dumb mistakes!”, and great decisions.

2.     The Core and Heart of Our Business

Ideally, what specifically do we want to accomplish?

What is the measurement of success?

State the core of our business simply and specifically.

3.     Where Are We Now?

Who is our Target Customer?

       Explore and define everything that we know.

Who and What is our Competition?

       Inside and out, directly and not - - what prevents our success?         

How are we, ourselves, our biggest enemy?

4.     First Things…..First

What are our core values?

What are our greatest priorities?

       Rank them.  Obey them.

5.     Strategic Planning

What is the most effective path to our #1 priority?

What are our biggest obstacles?

       Eliminate or neutralize them.

Are we willing to do what is necessary to accomplish our goals?

6.     Execution

Do we have the will?
Action Steps:  with deadlines and consequences/rewards

What's your plan for marketing success in today's social media world?

Thanks for sharing 92 seconds of your day,

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