Old Dogs, New Tricks encourages small business owners, for whom the vast majority of Americans daily work, as they adapt and succeed in an environment that includes the opportunity of Social Media.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Two Words: "cassette tapes"

Sure, the most recent player in the social media field, Google+ ("Google "Plus"), has over 10 Million active users in a few short weeks.  The truly active users are primarily male engineer types, computer geeks with plenty of schmartz playing with a new toy.   Typical early adopters of new technology.  I'm hearing that this bunch of very intelligent people is excited about G+. 

I just listened to a podcast of Chris Brogan, Mitch Joel (two guys with blogs that I follow regularly) and Hugh McGuire discussing Google+.  Recently, I've been asking the question, "Why would somebody either switch from Facebook to Google+ or add it as a second social network?"  Chris Brogan (an acknowledged social media and G+ expert) would answer that question:  "Two words: cassette tapes".  (meaning, are you still listening to your music on cassette tapes, or have you moved on to something better?) 

He further summarized the hour long podcast by saying that people have been asking him for a year and a half what the next big thing will be, and  "To me, this is the next big thing.  All the different bits that this could tie together if they use it as some kind of a communications plane is HUGE."

Google Places, gmail, Google Maps, Google Profiles, YouTube (owned by Google), Google documents, +1 button........ all tied together by the social media platform Google+ and backed by Google's 10,000 very smart engineers.  How do other social media platforms compete when Google stuffs all its' apps and tools into G+ (like regular cell phone companies trying to compete with the iPhone after Apple stuffed a computer into a mobile phone)?  Once this is all harnessed together, and utilized for commercial purchases, perhaps Amazon rather than Facebook will be in greater danger.

You say you're not interested in companies fighting over billions of dollars?  I can understand that.  Listen to this:  I genuinely like Google+ better than Facebook, and if you tried it I'm betting you would, too.  Be smart, get familiar with Google+ for the future benefit and legacy of your family owned small business. 

Thanks for sharing 110 seconds of your day,

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