Old Dogs, New Tricks encourages small business owners, for whom the vast majority of Americans daily work, as they adapt and succeed in an environment that includes the opportunity of Social Media.

Friday, May 27, 2011

One Foot In Front Of The Other

WHAT are you trying to accomplish using social media?
WHY are you doing it?
WHERE can you best accomplish it (on which social media platform)?

As a small business owner, once you answer those three questions, you're ready to address the next step:

Decide in advance what success will look like at the completion of your efforts and try to anticipate any potential challenges you may encounter along the way.  Imagine that you've made a genuine effort to benefit from the use of social media over the next twelve months.  At the beginning of the summer of 2012, you pick up the phone and call someone who is special in your life and say:  "I really worked hard this year to achieve my goals in using social media to improve my business, and I SUCCEEDED!  I had a couple of challenges along the way, but in the end it was worth it, really worth it." 

What happened?
What challenges did you overcome?

While deciding what social media success will look like a year from now, learn from the success of others by exploring a social media channel or platform and just LISTEN.  Resist the temptation to participate, at least initially, and observe, listen and learn.  Then make a decision to commit the necessary time, be willing to make a mistake here or there (everyone does), and ..... go for it!  Learn some New Tricks on the journey and be a courageous Old Dog.

What success a year from now do you have the guts to begin pursuing today?

Thanks for sharing 79 seconds of your day,


  1. Sounds like we need to "begin with the end in mind" (Covey - 7 Habits..) This is wise counsel, as the temptation is to jump into the activity without a clear vision of what the purpose really is. None of us, least of all the small business owner, needs another item on the To Do list - not unless it is one that leads to fulfilling the vision.

  2. Thanks for your thoughtful Comment, John. You mention one of my all time favorites, "7 Habits of Highly Effective People". A great read. Wish I had thought to mention the principle (Habit) of "Begin with the end in mind" in the content of the blog to encourage others. Thanks again for bringing it to our attention.

