Old Dogs, New Tricks encourages small business owners, for whom the vast majority of Americans daily work, as they adapt and succeed in an environment that includes the opportunity of Social Media.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Should You Shut Down Your Website?

Recently, David Rogers wrote an intriguing article, "Is It Time To Shut Down Your Website?", on the CBS Interactive Business Network page. He shares these statistics on monthly unique visitors:

Starbucks Facebook page: 19.4 million
Starbucks website: 1.8 million

Coca-Cola Facebook page: 22.5 million

Coca-Cola website: 270,000


People are spending more time on social media like Facebook because they want to be.....social. They want to have a two-way conversation where the Word of Mouth is explosive and dynamic, and it's just so easy to participate by clicking a "Like" button and sharing your opinion. Although websites offer companies the ability to control their design, content and data, and to focus their message, one can't help but realize that something is fundamentally changing about how the public desires to have a business relationship.

Did you notice that there are 80 times more visitors on Coca-Cola's Facebook page?

I just watched "The Page Creators - Dusty and Michael" video on the Coca-Cola Facebook page, and became the 26,850,155th person to "Like" their page. Hey, I really do like Coke more than Pepsi, and can almost 27 Million people be wrong?

(To demonstrate how crazy this page is, sixty-eight other people "Liked" the page while I was watching a 4 minute video - Yikes!)

While I go explore the Coca-Cola page further, I thought I'd leave you with an all-time favorite, for my fellow Pittsburgh Steelers fans (see video below).

Thanks for sharing 143 seconds of your day,

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