Old Dogs, New Tricks encourages small business owners, for whom the vast majority of Americans daily work, as they adapt and succeed in an environment that includes the opportunity of Social Media.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Were You Paying Attention?

You may have missed something about my last blog, something far more valuable about LinkedIn than you realized:

LinkedIn is the only platform that I can find that allows you to export your contact list.

...... (do you get it now?)

Suppose you want to email your "Fans" on Facebook?
Suppose Facebook determines that they no longer want you to have a page?
Suppose Facebook decides to charge you $50/month and you don't want to pay?
Suppose Facebook has a "glitch" and you no longer have contact with all those precious individuals you've added to your page over months and months?

Who's in control of your valuable relationships on Facebook?

If you periodically export your LinkedIn data, who's in control of your valuable relationships on LinkedIn?

Sometimes, "me" can be a beautiful word, eh?

Thanks for sharing an extra 39 seconds of your day,

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