Old Dogs, New Tricks encourages small business owners, for whom the vast majority of Americans daily work, as they adapt and succeed in an environment that includes the opportunity of Social Media.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Green Eggs And Ham

You remember the books for children by Dr Seuss, don't you?  Sure you do.  How about that one titled Green Eggs And Ham ?  Although doing everything possible to avoid trying green eggs and ham, in the end the character in the story likes green eggs and ham once he actually tries them

So here I am, plate full of Google+ in hand, begging you to try (green eggs and ham) Google+ because I truly believe you'll like it when you do!

Here's some info about it, click on Google+: The Complete Guide on Mashable.  Email me at sboros@zoominternet.net if you need an invite to connect with Google+ to register your new account.  And don't forget to look me up on Google+ so I can add you to my Circles.  If you do, soon you'll be saying:

"Hey, I do like (green eggs and ham) Google+ !"

Thanks for sharing 39 seconds of your day,

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